
Otic Hearing and Speech Centre aims to take a proactive role in contributing and giving back to the community with good deeds by fully supporting Otic Foundation in organising a variety of projects and activities to raise the awareness of and elicit the support from the general public to the speech and hearing impaired community.

Otic Foundation Limited, a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong, was established in December 2005 by a group of dedicated professionals (including doctors, audiologists, speech therapists and lawyers) and business entrepreneurs. For more information about the Foundation, please feel free to browse the website (

Community Hearing Care Plan

Conducted in schools, elderly centres, homes and other institutions to provide free listening health lectures, preliminary hearing screening tests, or professional hearing tests in mobile ear clinics.

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"Good Ear"
Free Hearing Aid Assistance Program

Otic Hearing support Otic Foundation in the “Good Ear” free hearing aid assistance program by providing free hearing aids for the economically disadvantaged hearing impaired to enhance their quality of life. For more information, please contact Otic Foundation (Tel: 3622-1225).

Seniors Fair, Health Expo

In Senior Fair and Health Expo, free hearing screenings were offered to the attendees, and detailed explanation of the results were provided. Clinical audiologists also gave a talk about hearing health.

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「耳愛傳聲」Charity Concert

Charity concert is organized every year to raise funds to support its on-going charity events and activities, which help to promote hearing health and assist the hearing impaired community.