Three-Dimensional (3D) scanning, modeling and printing technology
In early 2019, Otic introduced the latest 3D scanning, modeling and 3D printing technology. The earmould and shell production has been changed from the hand-made production to the state-of-the-art computer-assisted production.
3D scanning
The earmould technician will first scan the ear impression into a 3D image. Traditionally, the ear impression can only be stored for three months without any distortion. Now, the scanned 3D image can be stored permanently, and it is much more convenient for re-production of earmoulds and comparisons of ear impressions in the future.
3D printing
After the 3D Image is modeled, the earmould/custom-made shell can be accurately printed with a 3D printer. The output will then be ready for post-process/custom-made hearing aid assembly.
Computer modeling
The earmould technician utilizes the computer and 3D mouse to design appropriate style and shape from the 3D image; the modelled 3D image data can be stored permanently for future reproduction.